Picky - Once the player acquires this trait they can then use any of their trophies more efficiently.Players should look into using these traits in particular: Unlike the Warrior, there are several traits specific to the Rogue class that can turn their build into an incredible killing machine. On top of stats, there are also a host of traits that the player will find incredibly useful for their Rogue. Players should focus on acquiring as many points in Vampirism as they can in order to help themselves regain huge amounts of health on every attack. For example, if the player has 10% Vampirism and they deal 50 damage to an enemy they will get 5 health back. Basically whatever percentage Vampirism the player has then they will heal themselves for that percentage of damage dealt. The higher that this stat is then the more that the player can heal themselves for when dealing damage. Basically, Vampirism grants the player with life-steal, so every time that they injure an enemy they will heal themselves for a certain amount of health. One of the first stats that the player will want to focus on is the Vampirism stat.

This means that players should do their best to focus on things that benefit the Rogue's strengths. The Rogue is well suited to acquiring new gear quickly with its Trophy ability and begins a run with an automatic 5% Vampirism stat. Stacking 25 of them doubles the damage you do to bosses.Since each of the different classes in Loop Hero have different skills and abilities that they are best suited to, players will need to know which ones to focus on when playing as that specific class. Old Painting increases damage done to bosses by 4%.Having 17 of them pushes that chance over 100%. Exquisit Mirror gives you a 6% chance of deflecting lightning or magic damage onto a random enemy.The Alchemist’s shelf gives you an additional potion slot.Mixed Nuts give you +2 max HP for every point of defense – pairs nicely with Blacksmith’s Hammer and Rare Book.Rare Book gives you +1 defense for every card in your hand, but does not stack.The Blacksmith’s Hammer gives you +1 defense.Plus, you’ll get 150% chance to receive a ration while passing through wheat, which pairs nicely with the Antique Shelf. This means that if you stack 33 of them, all the damage you make each time you attack will be applied to everyone – and the original target will get 200% damage. The Farmer’s Scythe gives you 5% chances of getting a ration while passing through a wheat field, and 3% of your damage becomes damage to all.

We like to stack as many of these as possible. The Antique Shelf will give you +1 max HP for every whole resource you gather during the expedition.Having between 90 and 100 of them means that, with only one piece of gear giving you any amount of vampirism, every point of damage you deal will come back as HP. The Count’s Chair gives you +1% vampirism if you already have it.The best supply items to carry are somewhat dependent on your class and approach, but some of them are clearly better than the others and should be given a higher priority. Each mud hut will give you an additional equipped slot, and upgrading them will only increase the number. We suggest first building them all, then slowly upgrading as you go – it’s more cost efficient. Once you’ve built everything else, you can cover every available inch of camp space with mud huts.

The only way to increase the number of supplies you can bring on expeditions is by building mud huts.